Diablo 1.09

Diablo is a great recreation of the Dark Side Exile story
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1.09 See all
Blizzard Entertainment
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
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Diablo, what a great name for a game that broke any kind of role game, one of the three most feared daemons. I remember the big expectation it created before Blizzard decided to release it. Blizzard had already won many millions of dollars with their Warcraft 2, which in many countries broke selling records. But this game was different; they took a topic that many people fear: The Evil. Diablo is a recreation of the Dark Side Exile story told by Bilzzard programmers' eyes, in which a stranger (the player) arrives to an almost ghost town, because their people went to look for prince Albrecth who had disappeared and his father went crazy looking for him. Unfortunately, Tristan’s people were massacred by the horrible daemons inside an underground labyrinth, in their search for the prince. So, at the point where the player comes in, he/she have to choose him/her character between a sorcerer, a paladin, or an elf. Then the hero arrives to Tristan and notices what the daemons have done. There, the few survivors from this town, begin talking to him/her and giving him/her quests and awards for his/her good results. During these quests, the player finds many things in his battles with the daemons, such as better weapons, armors, amulets, gold, magic stones, shields, potions, scrolls and more. Many of those items are unidentified objects which, in most cases, bear a magic attribute that will help the hero in his battles with the daemons through the quests. The big goal is to find and finish Diablo after killing many daemons in the process. Eventually, the hero kills him, but then he/she realizes that in order to finish Diablo’s evil, he/she has to destroy the stone that bears his soul. Unfortunately, this stone is indestructible so, in order to control it, the hero implants the stone in himself hoping that he will be able to control Diablo. However, the hero does not know if when the time passes by, Diablo will be able to control him instead turning his sacrifice into Diablo’s Victory.
Currently, Diablo 1.0 can be purchased only as a part of the Diablo Battlechest pack.

RR Senior editor
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Great story, grapichs and design, can be pleyed online or multiplayer


  • none


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